Ports and Waterways

Ports and Waterways

Marine and inland waterways transport is of paramount importance for...

the international trade and the distribution of goods fuel and commodities needed for the daily living. Marine and inland waterways are mainly a safe high capacity – long distance transport system. Ports are part of the transport chain and act connecting sea/river and land besides providing logistic support to the system.

The global marine trade is constantly growing and in the medium/long term the quantity of freight to be transported is expected to valuably increase thus pushing the ports operators to modernize operation and increase the capacity of their terminals.

Ports are structures also devoted to passengers and to support tourism. Besides the presence of marinas and small harbours, the sector has seen in the last decades an increase in the demand for cruises docking facilities.

A port might be also a place where the logistics of fishing activities is located and a place for the treatment of the catch and preparation for the industrial production. Finally, several ports are serving as base for the Navy logistics and operations.

Terminals quays and breakwater

Design of a New Cruise Terminal in Bari Port

Terminals quays and breakwater

Rehabilitation of the Port of Shengjin (Albania)

Port master plan and logistic studies

Study of the Adriatic Gateway (Italy)