Urban Planning Buildings and Architecture

Engineering Consultancy Services for the Community College in Dukhan (Qatar)

Urbanisme batiments et architecture Batiments et Architecture

Engineering Consultancy Services for the Community College in Dukhan (Qatar)

The objective of the project is to provide a new modern school campus (International quality with IGCSE requirements) for Qatar Petroleum in Dukhan. 

Technital is developing the design for the DCC and all its components based on the information provided, study their relationship and implications, rationalize the spatial requirements in order to fully satisfy the intended usage of the school campus.

Technital is performing all architectural, civil, structural, interior design, internal and external signage, landscaping, irrigation, building services, electrical, telecom, IT / ELV System, life safety and loss prevention design work as part of the SERVICES.

The purpose built DCC will be a result of several design activities applying the most up to date knowledge and technologies with a unique artistic input.

The solution under development has a spectacular curved facade facing the sea with a sinuously curved facade facing the road integrating administration blocks, cafeteria and staff facilities, as a contrast are the angular halls with the potential to have independent entrance. It also features circular theatre, library and art block and a dramatic amphitheatre doubling up as access to the playing fields.

Technital is producing a comprehensive design package for inclusion by QP into a construction tender package. The package is including a construction contract scope of work to completely identify the scope of the construction contract, allowing QP appointed construction contractor to build the fully functional DCC without any need to perform additional design work, except for shop drawings, temporary works.

The Dukhan Community College has been designed starting from a concept of a full accessibility, as the building itself is not expected to be used only for educational purposes, but also for the activities involving the Dukhan Township.

As key principle it was assumed a design which wouldn’t have excluded anybody from the events and the activities that have to take place in the premises of the school.

Inclusive design principles

‘Inclusive’ design, with attractive, accessible school buildings, can empower children and young people with SEN (special educational needs) and disabilities. Designing for disabled people and children with special educational needs sets out ‘inclusive design principles’ which in this case underpin the project.

Inclusive school design goes beyond a one-size-fits-all model, considering all users and removing barriers that might deny anyone – children, staff or visitors – access to services. 

An accessible environment has been designed for the Dukhan Community College: children with SEN and disabilities will take part in school activities alongside their peers. The layout is simple and clear and circulation routes are easily accessible.

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Qatar Petroleum


Dukhan, Qatar

Prestations de service

Concept Design, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Tender Document

Coût des travaux

Euro 100,000,000

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