directors 01


TECHNITAL’s directors have successfully led the company towards the...

achievement of wider perspectives of growth, the accomplishment of more challenging goals and the consolidation of a strong trend of success. The company’s image is constantly evolving and enhanced also by a young and dynamic management leading strongly motived teams. Our history keeps evolving with an accurate balance between experience and innovation.

Alberto Scotti

Alberto Scotti

Born in Milan in 1946. Degree in Civil Engineering from Politecnico of Milan in 1970. With TECHNITAL since 1987.

Alberto Scotti has a vast experience in civil engineering, with particular emphasis on marine engineering and dredging. His experience covers all design phases from feasibility studies, preliminary and final design and assistance during construction in relation to: regional development plans, environmental recovery plans, catchment basin plans, environmental impact studies, shore protection and coastal management works, ports and marine structures, underwater tunnels, and hydraulic structures. He has been also involved in consultancy services on international disputes, rendered to one of the counterparts.

His experience covers Italy and a large number of foreign countries such as: Albania, Australia, Cape Verde, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago, UAE.

Among the projects coordinated by him one must certainly mention the project “Interventions for the protection of Venice and its lagoon from the high tides” known world-wide as the MOSE. This project includes the design of mobile surge barriers for an overall length of 1.6 km but also a large number of interventions for the coastal protection and decontamination of areas of the Venice Lagoon. Other major projects worthy of mention include the huge “New Al Faw Port” in Iraq, the “New Multipurpose Platform” in Vado Ligure in Italy, the “Oropuche Bank Reclamation” in Trinidad & Tobago.

He has experience and knowledge in different sedimentation/wave/current modelling techniques, in geotechnical and structural aspects, and the related software.

In his position of Project Manager/Project Director he has coordinated very complex and multidisciplinary assignments and acquired the ability to manage and co-ordinate large multidisciplinary study teams.

Currently President and CEO of the company with the responsibility for giving guidance in the overall strategy of the company for both the domestic and international markets.

Alessandro Veralli

Alessandro Veralli

Born in Viterbo in 1962. Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Rome in 1989. With TECHNITAL since 2008.

Alessandro Veralli has a very relevant experience in the procurement and in the development of Tender Procedures for services and works for international projects according to the major IFI’s and national contracting authorities as well as private companies (such as construction companies, concessionaires, etc.). He gained a very valuable experience with FIDIC forms of contract, and he has large experience in Concession/PPP schemes applied to transport infrastructures.

Alessandro Veralli has a long standing experience as Transport Planner/Designer and Transport System Engineering Expert with a wide experience also at an international level having carried out several assignments in Italy as well as abroad [Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Bahamas, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Palestinian Authority, Peru, Poland, Romania, Qatar, Santo Domingo, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia.]

He has experience in economic, financial, multiobjective and risk analysis techniques and knowledge in different transportation modelling techniques and software including demand modelling, multimodal and intermodal network analysis, microsimulation.

In his position of Project Manager / Project Director he has acquired the capability to manage and co-ordinate multidisciplinary study teams as well as the capability to manage contractual and logistical aspects.

He has co-ordinated very strategic assignments such as the “Middle East Regional Transport Study” financed by the European Community to support the Peace Process in the Middle East area, the task of “Advisor for the concession of the Salerno – Reggio Calabria Motorway (443 km)”, being of primary importance for enhancing the economically depressed southern Italian region, or, for instance, the assignment of the “Iraqi Transport Master Plan” which was carried out in the period 2003 – 2005 and was aimed at generating a new transport policy and investment plan in Iraq. From December 2007 (until joining TECHNITAL in October 2008) he was Leader of the Design and Build Working Group for Italferr within the tender for the concession of the Makkah – Madinah High Speed Railway Line in charge of developing design and analysis of investment (about 5.5 billion Euros) and analysis of related risks. He has played a primary role in the development of the project “Detailed design and work supervision of the New Al Faw Port” in Iraq being, in the final configuration, one of the three largest ports in the world (about 12 billion Euro of investment).

He is in charge of the management control of the company and also of developing the commercial strategies of the company abroad by taking care of commercial relationships with Clients and Bodies, co-ordinating the preparation of pre-qualification documents for international Bodies, co-ordinating bidding activities and technical-financial proposals toward the above-mentioned Bodies and private entities.

Alessandro Veralli

Filippo Bolzonello

Born in Asolo (Treviso) in 1983. Graduated in Civil Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino in 2008, General Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Nantes and MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs. With TECHNITAL since 2023.

Filippo Bolzonello has strong commercial and business creation/development experience, along with management and piloting responsibilities for complex projects. He has lived in 5 countries (Italy, USA, Brazil, Colombia and France) during his studies and work experience and has a strong international profile.

In the field of project management, he has piloted and coordinated as project director / project manager or contract manager major studies of dimensioned transport infrastructure. Mention may be made of the pre-feasibility studies of a high-speed railway connection in the south of Paris in France, the aerodynamic studies of the high-speed railway line Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paolo in Brazil, the feasibility study and advanced design of the Bogota metro in Colombia, the feasibility study of the Guayaquil cableway in Ecuador, the tender design on behalf of a contractor of the Panama metro line 2, the revision of the studies of the Panama metro monorail, etc.

In the area of business developpement, he was branch manager in Colombia, Paraguay, Panama, commercial director of a business unit with 100 M€ annual turnover.

In the area of business strategies, he managed and carried out strategic development analyses, including benchmarking of competitors and partners, market analyses (global trends, specific segment or product, studies of investment bank financing and IFIs), M&A analyses, etc.

He is responsible for the development of the company's commercial strategies abroad by taking care of commercial relations with clients and entities, coordinating the preparation of pre-qualification documents for international bodies, coordinating tender activities and technical-commercial proposals to the aforementioned bodies and private entities. Coordinates project management and represents TECHNITAL abroad.


Filippo Busola

Born in San Bonifacio (Verona) in 1966. Graduated in Civil Engineering from University of Padua in 1994. With TECHNITAL since 1997.

Filippo Busola is a structural engineer with relevant experience in the field of design and procurement of large public works. In his capability of Project Manager and Project Director he has managed very complex projects and coordinated multidisciplinary engineering teams.

His vast experience covers all the typical phases of the realization of a work, from the identification of the need to commissioning through planning, preliminary and detailed design and construction supervision and he has provided assistance to various clients for projects for the entire development process of complex works concerning the design and construction of roads, highways, railways, airports, ports and maritime structures.

He has coordinated some of TECHNITAL’s most important projects, acquiring ability to manage financial and contractual aspects and taking care of the relations with different contracting authorities vis-a-vis the need to solve complex projects.

His experience covers projects for more than 3,0 billion € construction cost of motorway projects, more than 1,0 billion € construction cost of marine works and more than 1,0 billion € construction cost for reclamation projects and environmental interventions.

It is worth to mention that he has been involved, among others, in the project “Interventions for the protection of Venice and its lagoon from the high tides” known world-wide as the MOSE. This project includes the design of mobile surge barriers for an overall length of 1.6 km but also a large number of interventions for the coastal protection and decontamination of areas of the Venice Lagoon. Other major projects worthy of mention include the design and works supervision of the Siracusa – Gela Motorways and for the Messina – Palermo in Sicily.

He is in charge of developing the commercial strategies of the company in the domestic market as far as Transport, Marine Works and Architectural Projects are concerned, by taking care of commercial relationships with Clients and Bodies, co-ordinating the preparation of pre-qualification documents, co-ordinating bidding activities and proposals toward the public and private entities.

Simone Venturini

Simone Venturini

Born in Negrar (Verona) in 1972. Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Padua in 1997. With TECHNITAL since 1998.

Simone Venturini has a valuable experience in hydraulic engineering notably in the design of works as pipelines, water treatment plants, reservoirs, dams and spillways, waterways and locks, river diversions, basins against flooding. He has gained particular expertise in hydrogeology, groundwater flow, open channels flow, design of dams.

His experience covers all design phases from feasibility studies, preliminary and final design through assistance during construction for any type of hydraulic works. Furthermore, his professional experience includes construction supervision and the management of national and international projects. His experience covers Italy and other countries such as Qatar, Iraq, Mozambique, Trinidad and Tobago, Bolivia, Libya, Kenya.

Among the projects coordinated and dealt with by him the following projects are particularly worthy of mention: the Gela-Aragona aqueduct (design and supervision of about 100 km, 2 big reservoirs in cut & cover tunnels, 4 high power pumping stations), the interventions for the hydrological basin of Lake Trasimeno, the hydraulic infrastructures of the Valtrompia Motorway and numerous other important highways in Italy, the “Ferrarese” waterway connecting the Adriatic sea with the Po valley, various water supply systems and sewerage networks), many hydraulic works in relation to the environmental recovery of Venice lagoon, Interventions of recovery and upgrade of the Persano dam, Padua-Venice Waterways, Fereggiano Diversion tunnel against the flooding in Genoa (Italy), a lot of waste water treatment plants (WWTP): Alessandria, San Severo, San Ferdinando, Castro, Barga (Italy).

He has developed several sewerage system projects such as: Valpantena (VR – Italy) main collector, Caltargirone (Catania – Italy) sewerage collection system, the vacuum waste water collection system of the Port of Naples (Italy).

He is very skilled in the groundwater flows because of his experience in one of the most contaminated areas in the world, namely the Port of Marghera, close to Venice, in Italy.

He has experience and knowledge in different hydraulic modelling/design techniques and software including pipelines design, surge and flow modelling, open channels flow analysis, steady and unsteady flow, finite differences and finite elements models in hydraulic applications.

In the last years he has gained experience in the development of projects in the hydropower field, from the feasibility studies to the final design. He is currently involved in some important studies to upgrade the existing Hydropower system in Italy (Installed power: more than 200 MW).

In his position of Project Manager, he has coordinated very complex and multidisciplinary assignments and acquired the ability to manage and co-ordinate multidisciplinary study teams, with particular regard to water resource management planning.

He is in charge of developing the commercial strategies of the company in the domestic market as far as Hydraulic and Environmental Projects are concerned, by taking care of commercial relationships with Clients and Bodies, co-ordinating the preparation of pre-qualification documents, co-ordinating bidding activities and proposals toward the public and private entities.

Michele Segala

Michele Segala

Born in Verona (VR) in 1984. Degree in Economics from University of Verona in 2009. With TECHNITAL since 2017.

Michele Segala is the CFO – Chief Financial Officer - of the Company, in charge of the preparation of the Company’s balance sheet to the approval of the Board of Directors, relations with banks, budgeting and management control, preparation of business plans and also HR management.

He is specialised in Business Law inside the Economic Studies. He has gained professional experience in the field of corporate restructuring, dealing with recovery plans, debt restructuring agreements, preventive conciliations for medium-sized and large companies (turnover up to 1 billion Euro) and business plans. He also specialized in implementation of management/monitoring control systems to fulfil specific agreed obligations, during the restructuring, with banks. His formation has been enhanced in 2010 when he got the Master “IVA” and in 2014 with the Master in “Failure and Insolvency Proceedings”. In 2010 he also attended the specialization course “Chartered Accountant and Corporate Law”.

Since 2014 he is enrolled in the Register of Certified Public Accountants and Expert Accountants of Verona, number 1749/A and in the Register of Statutory Auditors, number 170685, at the National Register of MEF – Ministry of Economy and Finance - of Italy.