Airports Airports
Master Plan of 8 Airports: Paranà, Rio Cuarto, Villa Reynolds, General Pico, Reconquista, Formosa, Catamarca, Rio Grande (Argentina)
Technital has acted as advisor to the consortium Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, Concessionaire managing 33 Argentina’s Airports, previously military managing.
During the 3 years the services carried out are Master Plans, Three-year Development Plans, Cost Evaluation and Investment Plans. The airports covered are the 16 most important airports of the Country, of which the most important are those of the capital Buenos Aires (Ezeiza and Aeroparque) and those of other major cities (Cordoba, Mendoza, Mar del Plata, etc.)
The present project regarded the Master Plans of a group of the 8 Airport with annual passenger traffic ranging from 300.000 to 1.000.000 pax/year:
- Paranà
- Rio Cuarto
- Villa Reynolds
- General Pico
- Reconquista
- Formosa
- Catamarca
- Rio Grande
Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 SA
Master Plan
Cost of works
Euro 152,870,000