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Brcko Port - Consultancy Services for Procurement, Assessment of Railway Alignment, Project Implementation Support And Works Implementation Supervision

Railways and urban transport Railways

Brcko Port - Consultancy Services for Procurement, Assessment of Railway Alignment, Project Implementation Support And Works Implementation Supervision

The Port of Brčko (the Port) is located in the North-Eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the right side of the Sava River. The Port is a transit point for cargo traffic for flows to and from the heavy industries in BiH.

The Port is operated by J.P. Luka Brčko (the “Company”, the “Client”).

The Project consists of:



  • Identify and evaluate the different route options for the industrial railway track on the line from the train station Brcko Novo to the Port. The Client has completed the detailed design for the originally proposed route, however, that alignment does not fit to the actual cadastral maps and it has been under discussion between all project stakeholders due to the critical importance of the project and the involved port rehabilitation.
  • Within the assessment, the Consultant performed the following activities: Identification/revision of the project target and aims, Identification of option alignments and other potential routes, data collection for assessment of the identified potential routes,  Route Alignment definitions and constrain identification,  Develop the options for resolving the constraints identified in previous task, Engineering feasibility assessment, define the preferred option (and produce some preliminary designs, in the event that the recommended route is not the same as already designed by the Client).
  • Following the Client’s acceptance of the railway alignment recommended in its RAAR, the Consultant assisted the Client with obtaining necessary approvals and permits by authorities for design prepared by the Client, as appropriate. This also included preparation of the national Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and public hearings in accordance with the national regulatory requirements and the standards set out in EU EIA Directive and obtaining the approval for the EIA. Services were successfully and timely performed despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • The Consultant oversaw all procurement activities and assisted the Client’s Project Implementation Unit to ensure that all procurement is carried out in full compliance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules by delivering:
  • Procurement and Contracting Strategy
  • Procurement Plan
  • Preparation of Tender Documents (TD) for three separate procurement procedures
  • Support during the procurement process, preparation of answers to bidders, etc.
  • Support during the evaluation process
  • Support during contract finalisation and signing



  • Supervision (The Engineer) under FIDIC Red Book for the three separate works contracts


Works contracts particulars:

  1. Construction of railway track to Brcko port (length c. 2,500 m) on the section of port crane path and it is part of the connection between the Brcko Novo Railroad Station and the port, expected to considerably reduce maneuvering time by adding a connection rail tracks at the operative quay. (Estimated cost EUR 1.0 million). 
  2. Reconstruction of the access road from Bijeljinska Road to the port. This component of the Project consists of the reconstruction of existing 900 meters long road connecting Bijeljina Road with the port. An access road, located downstream from the port, connects the port with the network of public roads. Reconstruction is required due to the intersection between the road and the railroad track at two levels, making it necessary to lower the route of the existing road so that it passes underneath the railroad tracks. (Estimated cost EUR 0.8 million). 
  3. Construction of a manipulative plateau with drainage facilities. Within the port’s premises the Project provides a manipulative plateau levelling the railway and the road by paving the area between the crane tracks. This allows any trucks which bring bulk materials or other goods to have an easy access between the legs of the crane to improve the productivity of the crane by reducing any delays in the movement of vehicles. (Estimated Cost EUR 1.0 million).
  4. Procurement and installation of new crane. The existing cargo handling equipment is intended to be replaced with a crane, preventing further traffic losses to road transport or total loss of trade. There is an urgent need for a new crane since the existing equipment is now 50 years and liable to breakdowns, with crane downtime reducing the operational capacity of the port and posing operational health and safety risks. (Estimated cost EUR 3.0 million). The Consultant has reviewed the technical specification and documentation of the Client and made his recommendations for improvement.
  5. A remaining railway section between the Industrial track from Brčko Novo to the port (Estimated Cost EUR 3.8 million) will require final technical assessment of the potential railway alignments and their technical financial, social and environmental feasibility. 

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

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Luka Brcko (Brcko Port Authority)


Brcko District (Bosnia i Herzegovina)


Technital performed: 

  1. Full project management and coordination.
  2. Technical assistance for crane, port, rail and road sector, coordination of designs, technical specifications, and Client requirements
  3. Tender / Procurement support for three tender procedures. Preparation of tender strategy, all necessary documentation, answers to bidders, evaluation of offers, drafting of contract documentation.
  4. Works Contracts supervision – the Engineer under FIDIC Red Book for three separate Works Contracts.

Cost of works

Euro 616,937

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