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High speed railway line Milan – Bologna (Italy)

Railways and urban transport Railways

High speed railway line Milan – Bologna (Italy)

The project regards the design of all the civil works related to the new high speed railway line and the branch lines included in the Lot 1.4 “Piacenza” and 4.A “Modena” constructed by the contractor Grandi Lavori Fincosit, including viaducts, underpasses and fly-overs, hydraulic works and auxiliary roads and buildings, as well as landscaping works. In particular, the project includes:

  • about 42 km of line
  • 7 railway viaducts with prestressed decks and in mixed steel/concrete structures, among which the “Piacenza” viaduct 5.1 km long;
  • 2 cut-and-cover tunnels for the railway, one of which approx. 2 km long;
  • 1 cut-and-cover tunnel for the motorway;
  • railway embankment sections of various heights;
  • box culverts of various dimensions to allow the continuity of traffic flows and water courses interfering with the line;
  • 12 multi-span fly-overs overpassing the railway with prestressed decks or mixed steel/concrete structure;
  • buildings for technological systems;
  • stream and water channel hydraulic control works;
  • 4 road links, among which the Piacenza beltway nearly 7 km long including major structures; 
  • Landscaping works.
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Grandi Lavori Fincosit - Rome


Piacenza and Modena, Italy


Detailed Design, Technical Assistance during construction

Cost of works

Euro 332,641,000

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